Camila Schriner is donating $100,000 to Florida International University to create an endowment in memory of Anan Bakir, a beloved employee of the College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts (CARTA) who died in April.
Anan began his career at FIU in May 2004 with PreCollegiate Programs and Grants, and his most recent position held was with the CARTA as an office specialist. Bakir died on April 8, 2018.
“Anan was a dear friend to me and like a brother to my husband,” Camila Schriner, wife of CARTA Dean Brian Schriner, said of her motivation to begin the endowment. “We lost a member of our family.”
This endowment was created to memorialize Anan’s sense of community, commitment to others, and his contributions to FIU and CARTA. It will fund the Anan Bakir Memorial Scholarship, which will benefit undergraduate students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher enrolled in CARTA.
A letter to faculty and staff in April said one of Anan’s greatest attributes was his generosity. This fund will ensure that Anan’s legacy of “giving” will continue to touch the lives of students at FIU.
“Anan had a gentle soul, with an enormous heart. His generosity, giving nature and concern for all those he met were what he stood for. He loved life and found the positive in everything,” said Linda Woolfson, Bakir’s colleague at CARTA. “I miss him dearly but know that he will always be watching over his CARTA family. This scholarship is a beautiful tribute to what made Anan so special. Our chance to ensure that his generosity will be paid forward to those in need.”
If you would like to make a gift in support of the Anan Bakir Memorial Scholarship endowment, please click here.