FIU Foundation News

Howard Lipman, CEO, FIU Foundation, Inc.: Why We Need Philanthropy

Q. Why is the Next Horizon campaign so important to the future of FIU?

A. Next Horizon is the vehicle to power FIU’s next phase of progress as one of America’s top 100 public universities. Philanthropy is an important part of all great universities. Since we opened our doors in 1972, we have made extraordinary progress — FIU is integral to the growth of our community, and our research is discovering solutions to serious global issues. Like all great universities, FIU depends on private philanthropy to achieve its vision. It is the difference that will enable us to thrive and accelerate our advancement.

Q. What are the origins of the campaign, and how were priorities determined?

A. When he was inaugurated in 2009, President Rosenberg articulated the need for a $750 million capital campaign for FIU to achieve its goals. Our campaign pillars of student success and research excellence align with the goals of the FIU BeyondPossible 2020 strategic plan and support our next strategic plan.

Q. What do FIU and Next Horizon mean to our community?

A. South Florida would not be what it is today without FIU. We have a deep impact on the lives of people and improve the human condition — as an anchor in our community and a driver of economic prosperity. We represent hope and the opportunity for social mobility. Our alumni rise to leadership positions in every profession and field of endeavor. Many others have been touched by FIU through the difference we make in the quality of life. We must secure the funds to grow as a top research institution and prepare students for the 21st-century workforce.