It’s not every day that students can put their training to immediate use on campus, but social work majors had an unexpected chance to flex their skills in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma. Five of them interacted with Monroe County residents who evacuated to a special needs shelter at MMC. “This is a wonderful opportunity to […]
DNA becomes primary target in fight against glioblastoma
By exploiting a brain tumor’s own biology, researchers at FIU’s Biomolecular Sciences Institute (BSI) are hoping to destroy glioblastoma, a deadly brain cancer with no known cure. Current methods of treatment are complicated and while they can only prolong a patient’s life by a few months, they cannot cure the cancer — a reality many Americans […]
Dean Guilarte appointed to county Opioid Addiction Task Force

Amid nationwide concern about the growing epidemic of opioid addiction, Tomás R. Guilarte, dean of the Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work, has been chosen by leaders of Miami-Dade County to serve on a new Opioid Addiction Task Force. The community-wide assemblage brings together experts in the field with state and county […]
Study of young NFL players shows brain damage from sustained head trauma occurs earlier than previously thought

A team of researchers has gathered evidence that neuroinflammation, a swelling of the brain that plays a critical role in neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, is present at a much younger age than previously thought in athletes who experience repetitive mild traumatic brain injury. The presence of chronic neuroinflammation in the brain […]