Grad students selected for prestigious Gates Foundation internships

Marsha Francois was thrilled when she got the news. “I was definitely excited,” said Francois, a first-year graduate student in the master’s in Adult Education and Human Resource Development program. “In my field, it’s like if someone got an internship with Google for technology.” Along with graduate students from a select group of universities — […]

Florida couple establishes professorship for tropical ecology

A professorship of tropical ecology has been established in the College of Arts, Sciences & Education at FIU thanks to a gift from FIU Emeritus Professor Walter Goldberg and his wife, Rosalie. The Walter and Rosalie Goldberg Professorship in Tropical Ecology is designed to expand FIU’s already-growing expertise in conservation, sustainability, resilience, impacts of invasive species and […]

Researcher is thirsty for sustainable Everglades

Small-scale droughts can have big effects on the Florida Everglades. Ph.D. student Anteneh Abiy is digging deep into these abnormally low rainfall events. He doesn’t have to do go too far into weather data to begin his work. 2017 was drier than usual. The Everglades received 6 inches of rainfall less than the annual average. […]

Nuclear waste might be a thing of the past if this graduate can help it

A recent chemistry graduate might help FIU researchers unlock the secrets to make nuclear waste safer. Matthew Fortunato ’17 starts his days mixing chemicals in radiochemistry professor Konstantinos Kavallieratos’ lab. It is a task he knows well. With a practiced hand, he collects just the right amount of powders and liquids and blends them together […]

FIU becomes Knight of the Rural Development Merit Order of Burkina Faso

The Grand Chancery Order of the Office of the President of Burkina Faso has recognized FIU as a Knight of the Rural Development Merit Order. The honor was recently presented to Lakhdar Boukerrou, a research associate professor in the Department of Earth and Environment who oversaw the USAID West Africa-Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (USAID WA-WASH) Program in […]

Researchers investigate effects of e-cigarettes on adolescent brains

Use of e-cigarettes is on the rise, leaving scientists wondering what effects they could have on the developing brains of young people. A team of researchers from the FIU Center of Children and Families (CCF) have been awarded a $2.1 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to investigate the effects of e-cigarettes, […]

FIU students help children develop an early love for reading

Brittanie Erne doesn’t want children to share her struggles with reading she had when she was younger. In middle and high school, Erne never wanted to read, let alone read aloud. She had difficulty with the FCAT examinations. “I thought reading was hard, I think I didn’t have the skills to decode, to understand vocabulary […]

FIU’s Stempel College to build health disparities research center with $13.1 million grant

FIU is building Florida’s first Health Disparities Research Center at a Minority Institution (RCMI) with a $13.1 million grant from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD). The grant to FIU-BRIDGE at Robert Stempel College of Public Health and Social Work will create FIU-RCMI at Stempel College, which will focus on reducing substance use problems […]

FIU, National Forensic Science Technology Center join forces to broaden impact in forensic science

Florida International University (FIU) and the National Forensic Science Technology Center (NFSTC) announced that they are joining forces to make a bigger impact in the field of forensic science. The partnership will expand the university’s diverse offerings and bring NFSTC’s training excellence to a broader audience in the U.S. and around the world. A 22-year old non-profit, NFSTC […]

DNA becomes primary target in fight against glioblastoma

By exploiting a brain tumor’s own biology, researchers at FIU’s Biomolecular Sciences Institute (BSI) are hoping to destroy glioblastoma, a deadly brain cancer with no known cure. Current methods of treatment are complicated and while they can only prolong a patient’s life by a few months, they cannot cure the cancer — a reality many Americans […]