5000 Role Models smoothed out a rocky path for me

Price Destinobles
As part of an op-ed series, FIU News shares the expertise and diverse perspectives of members of the university community. In this piece, which originally appeared in the Miami Herald, Carnival Gold Scholar Price Destinobles shares his experience with the 5000 Role Models of Excellence Project, which offers mentorship, guidance and educational assistance to young, minority men. By […]

Florida scientists take aim at Zika with launch of new center

Matthew DeGennaro
Four Florida universities are joining forces in the fight to stop Zika. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has awarded $10 million to a new center that brings together scientists from FIU, University of Florida, University of Miami, and University of South Florida. With Florida often being an entry point into the United States […]

Students push storytelling boundaries using virtual reality

SCJ student Nomi Hernandez-Leiva
As news media becomes increasingly digital-first and technology continues to evolve, journalists continue to look for new and engaging ways to push the boundaries of storytelling. Among the latest emerging trends: Placing users directly into the story using virtual reality. Investment in augmented reality and virtual reality (VR) reached $1.1 billion in 2016, according to […]

Dean Guilarte appointed to county Opioid Addiction Task Force

bottle with pills
Amid nationwide concern about the growing epidemic of opioid addiction, Tomás R. Guilarte, dean of the Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work, has been chosen by leaders of Miami-Dade County to serve on a new Opioid Addiction Task Force. The community-wide assemblage brings together experts in the field with state and county […]

Remembering FIU supporter Sanford L. Ziff

Sanford L. Ziff
The university joins President Mark B. Rosenberg in remembering philanthropist, FIU supporter, and Foundation Board of Directors member Sanford L. Ziff, who passed away at 91 on Friday. President Rosenberg sent the following email to the university community on Jan. 9. Dear members of the university community, It is with a heavy heart and deep appreciation […]

Researchers learn how to take an idea from lab to market

DeNovo Biodevice
Sharan Ramaswamy designed a device that mimics human circulation in which cells and tissues can be grown. The technology enables researchers to study three-dimensional human tissues, and as a result, identify new, more effective treatments for cardiovascular diseases. Currently, the medical community relies on animals for testing, but this innovative device has the potential to […]

Alumni sharing life lessons

Jonathan Williams with mentor John Farias
Successful graduates counsel students on achieving goals and attaining dreams. WANTED: A professional with demonstrated success in his or her industry who exhibits humility and a down-to-earth sensibility to serve as a role model to a young person in search of self-actualization. Sounds like a tall order. But in 2014, student Jevon Howell found a mentor […]

FIU President Honors Advancement Team Member

Presidential Salute
On December 29, 2016, one of our Advancement team members, Joaklin Raphael, received a special honor. For his outstanding work, Joaklin was recognized by FIU President Mark B. Rosenberg with a Presidential Salute. Read President Rosenberg’s full letter to the university community below, and join us in congratulating Joaklin! Dear University Community, Please join me in recognizing […]

Biologist rounds up lizards on the loose

FIU biologist James Stroud and kids
Lizards are on the loose in South Florida, and FIU biologist James Stroud needs local middle-schoolers to help him keep track of the reptiles. Stroud is training middle school students to collect information on anole lizards, including species, size, and where they are found. To help the young ecologists, he has created a Field Identification […]

FIU featured by UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction

FIU's Wall of Wind
FIU is a leading voice on hurricane preparedness. Two recent examples of FIU’s impact: Associate Director of FIU’s Extreme Events Institute Erik Salna’s work and FIU’s role in the Weather-Ready Nation (WRN) program were honored during September — National Preparedness Month — by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); and IMAX chose FIU’s Wall […]